Bre Allison

Discover your path to a more ease-full life

Tools, techniques and therapeutic practices to help you experience more ease- physically, mentally and emotionally- so that you can live to your fullest potential.

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I will not heal you. I will not make you grow. I will not write your story. I will not make your dreams come true. YOU WILL!

In my training with Veterans Yoga Project, Dan Libby emphasized that “we don’t heal people, people heal themselves. We are just creating the space for people to heal” giving the example of a broken ankle being placed in a cast, the cast creates the space for healing, the body heals itself. My ongoing studies with the Amrit Institute have steeped me in this same belief that when we allow the mind to rest back, our inner wisdom [Prana or energy] is free to do what it does best- heal, balance, and revitalize. AND we are whole and complete just as we are, we just have to “remember.” This is the foundation for my offerings; meeting you where you are so that you can consciously and fully walk the path of your life with peace, joy and equanimity.

Check out more about my background and offerings here…

Weekly Yoga Nidrā Offering

For the summer, our weekly Yoga Nidrā will transition to a pre-recorded meditation sent out every Wednesday morning.

Sign up below to have the recording and theme “write up” sent to you.

A great way to reset your day or get a quick recharge.

With the recordings, you can listen to them anytime and as many times as you want!

No experience needed, a guided relaxing meditation.


Donation options: Venmo @breallison or or through stripe here

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